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Our design and analytical capabilities in detail

MTU offers its customers a whole range of well-established analytical and mechanical design capabilities that can be selected and tailored to their specific needs – starting from individual parts, ranging to advanced, multistage engine components and sophisticated processes, all the way up to entire engines. The process steps comprise multidisciplinary concept and detailed design, verification, optimization and analysis for individual parts, components or even an engine. They also include manufacturing support.



  • 2D and 3D aerodynamic cutting-edge design of highly-loaded, multistage compressors and cooled turbines as well as interducts
  • Optimization for efficiency, stability, aero-elastic robustness, low noise and long endurance
  • Optional re-design for re-blading of well-proven turbo components for improved cost effectiveness

Cooling Design

  • Progressive heat transfer design and analysis for cooled parts and components
  • Design of advanced cooled turbines and parts for modern gas turbines
  • Analysis of cooled turbines and development of redesign options 
  • Optimization of cooling flow requirements for defined endurance levels

Structural Integrity

  • Integrated processes for structural analysis and optimization of turbine and compressor airfoils, casings and rotors (including blisks) comprising
    • Non-linear static, buckling, fatigue, creep and crack propagation evaluations
    • Modal, forced response, non-linear damping and mistuning analyses
    • Dynamic time domain assessments for bird strike and containment


  • Analytical and design support for advanced low emission (ULE, DLE) combustors
  • Simulation and assessment of combustors incl. metal temperature analysis

Materials engineering

  • Advanced materials engineering with state-of-the-art laboratory infrastructure for research
  • Damage and failure analysis as well as provision of corresponding test and evaluation resources

Mechanical design of parts and integration of components

  • MTU has all tools and processes in place including state of the art CAD capabilities. A digital engine is used through the whole product life cycle. A traceable and automated CAD-data exchange capability is available.
  • MTU offers the complete range of design activities from conceptual design through detail design to detail definition (manufacture definition) for a wide range of lightweight, highly loaded, high precision components.
  • The capabilities include design of blisks and forging and investment casting design of rotors and stators, vanes, blades and structural parts such as casings, interducts, bearing housings, struts etc.
  • We are familiar with lightweight, high strength and high temperature alloys and with the stringent risk minimization and safety requirements needed  for aircraft applications.
  • We provide design optimization of parts, components and assemblies for manufacturing, cost, weight and performance as required and perform integration tasks like design and analysis of gaps and clearances for static and dynamic engine operation.

Engine performance and systems analysis

  • Thermodynamic cycle design and optimization   
  • Performance modelling, steady state and transient simulation, engine operability
  • Engine and test cell trend monitoring for engine pass off and in-service support
  • Test data reduction and analysis of component, whole engine ground, altitude and flight tests

Engine systems

  • Secondary air and oil system and ball bearing design, analysis, optimization and validation
  • Electrical and mechanical design, qualification, production and product support of electronic systems 
  • Control and monitoring system, hard- and software including validation for aero engines, various aerospace and automotive applications.
  • System Design - from the big picture to manageable, consistent units
    • Definition of Systemarchitectures
    • Alllocation of functions to subsystems, 
    • Breakdown and refinement of requirements, taking into accout the interests of all involved disciplines
    • Definition of consistent interfaces
    • Development of specifications on component level that are consistently derived from stakeholder and authority requirements
    • Establishment of  verification strategies
    • Classification of failures and their impact on the system

Repair engineering

  • MTU offers fully integrated repair engineering support for various engine component and parts (predominantly air foils but other parts as well)
  • MTU’s own repair development improves costs and Turn Around Time and avoids restrictions by property rights.
  • This service includes the repair of coated parts in which the refurbishment enables MTU to even improve the OEM-part. 
  • Our solutions extend from concept to validation and certification and also include production.

3D flutter assessment of turbine blades

3D noise assessment at turbine exit

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